Palina Green-belt Eco Park is a beautiful eco-park in Roxas City Capiz, located in Sitio Cablatan, Brgy. Cagay. The park is managed by the Palina River Development Association, which is a group of fisherfolks. One of the main attractions of this eco-park is its floating cabanas that offer guests a unique experience of traversing the clean water of Palina River, which is home to a wide variety of marine life. As visitors enjoy the breathtaking riverine scenery, they can indulge in the local seafood spread that Roxas City is renowned for.

Palina Greenbelt Eco-Park Roxas City Tourist Spots
Palina Green-belt Eco Park


Sitio Cablatan, Brgy. Cagay, Roxas City, Philippines



Contact No

+63 910 609 7475